How to Set Up Google Analytics for Events and Conversion

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  • Post category:SEO / OnPage SEO
  • Post last modified:December 20, 2023

how to set up Google Analytics for events and conversion. The speaker shows how to convert old GAUA stuff into Google Analytics 4 (GA4). The video covers setting up events and telling GA4 which events are important to track as conversions.

How To Set Up Event Tags

– To set up event tags, create a new event tag in Google Tag Manager.
– Use the GA4 measurement ID from the all pages tag.
– Use recommended event names from Google Analytics, such as “generate lead” for lead generation.
– Set up triggers to fire the generate lead tag when someone completes actions on the website that indicate they are a lead.
– Add conditions to prevent double or triple firing of lead events.

Double Checking Your Work

– Double check your work to ensure everything is working correctly.

How To Set Up GA4 Event for Purchase

Section Overview: In this section, the speaker sets up a GA4 event for purchase and explains how to send the right parameters over with it.

Creating a New Tag

– Create a new tag using the GA4 event.
– Use the configuration tag from all configs.
– Set up the purchase name and use the purchase event.

Sending Parameters Over with Purchase

– Send currency, value, and transaction ID as parameters.
– Get transaction ID from URL query or generate a unique number using Google Tag Manager.
– Use community template library to import unique event ID by stape.

Adding Trigger

– Create a new trigger on page view.
– Trigger only on specific pages.
– Preview and demo to ensure it works correctly.

How To Set up Google Tag Manager and GA4 for Conversions

These are the procedures for configuring Google Analytics for events and conversions:

  • Make an event. On the left side of Google Analytics, navigate to Admin > Event. Click the Create event button. Click the Create button.
  • Enter a name for the event (40 characters or fewer) under Custom event name. For instance, thank_you.
  • Enter the exact name of the existing event in Matching conditions, beneath Value. For instance, page_view. Add a condition by clicking the Add button.
  • Select page_location from the drop-down menu under parameter.
  • Save the file.
  • Identify the new event as a conversion. On the left side of Google Analytics, navigate to Admin > Conversions. Click the New conversion event button. Enter the new event’s name here. Save the file.
  • Set up the event tracking code. You must include the event tracking code in your website or app. You can find the code in the Google Analytics documentation.

Tracking Events in GA4

– The Google Tag Manager container is now live on every page with the GTM script installed.
– After setting up events in GTM, it may take a few hours for GA4 to populate data.
– To turn events into conversions, go to the admin panel and select “Mark as conversion” under Events.
– Once marked as a conversion, it will show up in the Conversions report under Events.

Connecting GA4 to Google Ads

– To connect GA4 to Google Ads, click “Link” in the Admin panel and select your Google Ads account.
– Confirm your selection and then submit everything.
– Once connected, all data from GA4 will be sent to Google Ads for reporting.

Here are some additional tips for setting up Google Analytics for events and conversion:

  • Use recommended events. Google Analytics provides a list of recommended events that you can use. These events are already configured to track the most common user interactions on websites and apps.
  • Define your conversion goals. Before you start tracking events, you need to define your conversion goals. What do you want users to do on your website or app? Once you know your goals, you can track the events that lead to those goals.
  • Use custom parameters. You can use custom parameters to track additional information about your events. For example, you could use a custom parameter to track the product that a user purchased or the page that they came from.
  • Test your tracking code. Once you have configured the event tracking code, you should test it to make sure that it is working properly. You can use the Google Analytics debugger to test your code.


Once you have configured the event tracking code, you will start to see events and conversions in your Google Analytics reports. You can use this data to track the performance of your website or app and to measure the success of your marketing campaigns.


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