Tim Is Looking To Buy A New Skateboard. He Goes To Google Search To Research And Purchase The Best Skateboard He Can find. Organize The Following Steps In The Logical Order To Describe How Tim’s Interaction With Google Search Ads Would Occur From Start To finish.

Are you looking for Tim Is Looking To Buy A New Skateboard. He Goes To Google Search To Research And Purchase The Best Skateboard He Can find. Organize The Following Steps In The Logical Order To Describe How Tim’s Interaction With Google Search Ads Would Occur From Start To finish Answer? If yes, here is the correct answer to this question.

Tim Is Looking To Buy A New Skateboard. He Goes To Google Search To Research And Purchase The Best Skateboard He Can find. Organize The Following Steps In The Logical Order To Describe How Tim’s Interaction With Google Search Ads Would Occur From Start To finish.

  1. Tim searches for “best skateboards”.
  2. Tim scans the search results.
  3. Tim launches a Google Search ad.
  4. Tim browses different skateboards on the website he navigated to.
  5. Tim makes a purchase from the website he navigated to.

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